All known vulnerabilities are listed here so user’s can be aware of them and possibly avoid them.
Vulnerabilities should be reported using issues. To submit a private report, please send it to us via email: Vulnerability issues are the top priority and resolved in the shortest time possible:
Accept vulnerability issue report (GitHub or email)
Verify and reproduce the issue, classify severity
Publish as known vulnerability
Design solution
Implement the change and release a hotfix
Move to solved vulnerabilities
Known Vulnerabilities#
No vulnerabilities has yet been found or reported.
Solved Vulnerabilities#
No vulnerabilities has yet been found or reported.
Basic Hints for Security#
Change or remove default users
Adjust default role after registrations based on your needs
Provide DSW through proxy with HTTPS (both client and server application)
Backup data regularly (e.g. daily)
Use secured SMTP (SSL)
Use strong passwords, esp. for administrator accounts