Step: rdflib-convert#

badge-status badge-metamodel

Transformation step that converts between RDF formats.


Gets an RDF file from the previous step of one of the following formats: rdf (XML), nt, n3, ttl, trig, or json-ld (specified using from option).


Results in an RDF document of one of the following formats: rdf (XML), nt, n3, ttl, trig, or json-ld (specified using from option).


  • from = specification of the input format (rdf, nt, n3, ttl, trig, json-ld)

  • to = specification of the output format (rdf, nt, n3, ttl, trig, json-ld)


  "name" : "rdflib-convert",
  "options" : {
    "from" : "ttl",
    "to" : "rdf"